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19 February 2007

Gazing into the crystal ball

He screwed Ontarians over with his, "it's not a tax" health care premium... how long will it take Dalton McShifty and his oh-so-green buddies, to throw up toll roads?

If he goes with the flow, we could see a few a changes...
-- Monday, London's controversial toll zone, in which motorists pay an £8 ($15.60) daily fee to drive, was extended westward into the upscale neighborhoods of Chelsea and Knightsbridge – home to such landmarks as Harrods department store. At almost 16 square miles, it's nearly double its original size. --
Never happen in Ontario, you say?
Premier Dalton McGuinty's plans to use tolls to pay for the four-laning of Highway 69 has an Ontario truckers group "nervous" about the province's objectives.

He calls upon the Liberals to spell out their plans with a policy framework, such as a toll-road user protection act, to ensure highway users "aren't being taken to the cleaners."
I wouldn't be so sure.

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