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06 February 2007

Garth misses an opportunity

The Liberals??!
"Everybody had expected frankly that maybe Mr. Turner would join the Green party. He was certainly close to Elizabeth May, the Green party leader, and had flirted with them for some time," Fife said.
Not sure Garth thought this all the way through... think of all the attention he could have focused on himself if he had just defected to Hamas.

UPDATE: Violating his own principles

From Garth's blog...
Some will wonder if the defecting Liberal should now go back to the people of his riding and have his decision ratified.

I would say yes.
I am a democrat who believes everyone in the House of Commons, including the cabinet members who make up the government, should be elected.

They should sit in Parliament as they were elected. If they decide to change parties, they should go and get re-elected.
INKLESS WELLS: It's not me, it's all those other guys
My favourite moment came when Turner - asked, rhetorically, what his decision meant for his oft-stated belief that floor-crossers should face the voters in a by-election.

"I didn't leave my party," he explained; "my party left me."

Ah. Original and persuasive! You know what this means, don't you. The entire Conservative caucus having crossed the floor to get away from Garth, they will now have to face by-elections.

All of 'em.
LAST WORD: Like Captain Kirk, Garth has a Prime Directive

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