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03 February 2007

From the people who brought you...

Peace on Earth.

Hey... they've done such a great job in places like Rwanda and Darfur... why wouldn't we hand over the environment to the United Nations?
PARIS — Hundreds of scientists, business leaders, and non-governmental organizations have called for a new United Nations agency to manage the environment.

The new agency would transform the existing UN Environment Program, into “a fully-fledged international organization that is genuinely universal,” French President Jacques Chirac told delegates to the Citizens of the Earth conference, which was organized by his government.
Hell... if it's good enough for France... I'm in.

What's this about a Jacques Attack?

Ok, relax... it's just some Frenchified version of "Who's on First..."
The Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett said: "It is not a sentiment I share and from what I understand, the French President doesn't share it any more either."

But in France, Le Monde newspaper said the comments had seriously dented the country's credibility. "One asks what credibility the French position will now have."
Not to worry, French credibility is actually a constant... not a variable.

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