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09 February 2007

Cauldron bubbling at Liberal coven...

Hey Steffi... what about the percentage of transgendered members... ah, candidates... in the upcoming elections?

In fact, while you're at it, why not just go all in... and even out all the lopsided percentages?
Dion's campaign strategists contend that declaring certain ridings off-limits to men at the outset will ultimately be fairer to all concerned. Still, they acknowledge that the measure is bound to be controversial.

"We're going to pay some price," Gerard Kennedy said.

However, Kennedy said the party's dismal record in recruiting women in the past "justifies disappointing some and requiring accommodations from others.
I'm sure a troll through the safe injection site and Vancouver's lower east side, would do wonders to square the lack of junkies and, uh... "sex trade" workers in Parliament.

Let's get the affirmative action juggernaut rolling.

Of course... maybe we already have enough old whores.

RELATED: Liberals all about helping women.

I can hear women all across Canada, cheering for former Liberal Cabinet Minister Judy Sgro's ambitions for their daughters.
OTTAWA -- Immigration Minister Judy Sgro is defending the government's policy of admitting foreign exotic dancers to work in Canada, saying the strip club business is "a strong industry" with "lots of customers."
LAST WORD: Dream candidate for Fiberals

A very single, passionate, working mom...
A fight over their soured relationship and a shared child led a South Shore Mountie to fire her semi-automatic pistol nine times through her bathroom wall and into a dirt pile while her ex-lover was still on the property.

Const. Adree Zahara described her affair with fellow officer Const. Chuck Simm as "tense" and told a probation officer that she had a "lot of conflicting feelings of guilt and uncertainty," court documents say.

Const. Zahara, an eight-year force veteran who has served only in Nova Scotia, was handed a conditional discharge Wednesday for careless use of a firearm. She was put on probation for a year and must not possess weapons, except at work, for two years.
Caution... don't try this if you have a penis.

Because you'll go to jail.

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