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24 February 2007

Bob Rae only swings one way

C'mon guys, he got naked with Rick Mercer... that should count for something.

With Bill Graham's recently announced resignation, the parliamentary seat in Rosedale is apparently up for grabs... but not just for any candidate.

Who you nuzzle at night is apparently an important job qualification... to gay United Church minister Rob Oliphant anyway.
"I've been a Liberal all my life. Bob Rae has been a Liberal for a number of months," says Oliphant. "I think it's time for this riding to have an openly gay representative."
Representing the lesbian constituency is lawyer Meredith Cartwright...
"My political consciousness was formed in 1993 over the [failed] same-sex omnibus bill before the Ontario Legislature, and like so many of my peers, I have been working tirelessly to achieve these rights for the LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans] community," says Cartwright.
OUTtv host Mathieu Chantelois, with the blessing of his partner Marcel is also apparently in the running.

So if you're a straight white guy with lifelong leftwing credentials, you better not show your skinny ass in this neighbourhood.

The sign is out, "Heterosexuals need not apply."


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I'm certainly not outing the man. Almost everyone in the gay community knows that Graham is gay -- even if he is married -- but mostly the press is not willing to say it in plain English.

So spake novelist, poet, filmmaker, director, actor, and drag queen extraordinaire.... Sky Gilbert.

Admittedly, Graham, instead of admitting his sexuality, deftly evades the topic.

"I was made foreign minister by the prime minister," he says. "I believe I have his support and I have the love and support of my family and friends. People might be interested in that aspect of my private life, but it is not relevant."
Say what you will about ole Sky... he isn't running some peek-a-boo game about his homosexuality... like some career politicians.

I can respect that.

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