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23 February 2007

Ahmadinejad pisses on United Nations


While the Canadian Supreme Court remains determined to err on the side of individual rights and freedoms, Iran takes another path.

Madman "Apocalypse Now" Ahmadinejad is so sure the Hidden Imam is just around the next corner, he's willing to battle the rest of the civilised world "to the end."
-- "The Iranian people are vigilant and will defend all their rights to the end," Iranian news agency Isna quoted Mr Ahmadinejad as saying, at a rally in northern Iran.

"If we show weakness in front of the enemy the expectations will increase but if we stand against them, because of this resistance they will retreat."
No fair play on this man's agenda.

UPDATE: Apocalypse Soon
Iranian officials have told the IAEA that they ultimately hope to install 54,000 centrifuges, a facility potentially large enough to provide fissile material for 20 bombs a year.

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