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14 January 2007

Religion of Rest in Pieces

Proving the unspoken rule that you don't bring a bunch of raggedy-ass peasants to a gunfight...
-- BAGRAM: -- A top Afghan insurgent leader operating from inside Pakistan sent some 200 ill-equipped fighters, some wearing plastic bags on their feet, into Afghanistan where most were killed in a major battle this week, a top US general said on Saturday.

-- US forces killed about 130 fighters moving in two groups in the eastern province of Paktika late Wednesday and early Thursday, one of the largest winter battles in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban in 2001.
We're obviously not talking military genius here...
-- “The message to the enemies of Afghanistan and the enemies of world peace would be that you can come at us with two people, 20 people, 200 people, 2,000 people, you’ll be defeated and your young men will needlessly be killed.”
SIDENOTE: File under... Terrorists, disposal of
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