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22 January 2007

RCMP are the real terrorists

It is only natural that a father would want to defend his son... but Tariq Abdelhaleem is crossing over into paranoid fantasy land...
"Why would he do that if he has a convertible BMW?" he asked, during an interview with The Globe at a suburban Tim Hortons. "If there is any homegrown terror, it is the RCMP," Dr. Abdelhaleem said.
Abdelhaleem can't imagine where his son might have picked up any sort of antipathy towards his fellow citizens...
"These are sub humans, these [police informants] and people like [Mississauga MP] Wajid Khan," said Dr. Abdelhaleem. "They all sold their soul to the devil for a job. For money. Because in real life they are losers.".
Apparently Abdelhaleem doesn't need an opposing point-of-view to have a debate on the larger issues... he's prepared to supply the questions AND the answers...
"9/11 is debatable. Let's agree on this. So based on this debatable fact, you kill and destroy all these people?" he said during the interview.
In the end it all comes down to one last bit of pretzel logic...
"Because in real life they are losers. They are not like my son (who has, as papa proudly noted earlier, a convertible BMW)," Dr. Abdelhaleem said, then left the Tim Hortons in his new Lexus.
Anybody feel like chipping in on airline tickets... so that poor Mr. Abdelhaleem and family can go have a shot at living that much talked about and splendiferous "Egyptian dream?"

REALITY CHECK: Damian Babbling Brooks finds a dissenting opinion...
"I am not in politics to represent some overseas group or government. Yes, I am a Muslim, but I cannot be held hostage by self-appointed community leaders who have their own hidden agendas."

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