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29 January 2007

No rush to judgement here

Lately, there's been a whole lot of moaning about "Willie" Pickton not getting a fair trial. If there was a "rush to judgement" here... I sure wouldn't want see what a meticulous investigation involves...
Police would eventually take 400,000 swabs from furniture pieces and from inside Mr. Pickton's buildings, Insp. Adam told court. At one point, the Pickton probe had used up the country's entire supply of white suits.

Eventually, the property was divided into 216 grids and, by the end of the investigation, approximately 382,00 cubic yards of soil passed through police conveyer belts.
I'm guessin' 400,000 DNA tests alone, translates into mucho taxpayer dinero.

RELATED: The purpose of the justice system

Over at Damian's, they're gettin' down to it...
So let's state this without ambiguity: the criminal justice system exists to protect the law-abiding individual from the criminal.

Anything else that it may try to do, such as reforming delinquents, treating drug addicts or addressing social deprivation, however admirable in itself, will be largely pointless if it fails in that primary purpose.

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