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25 January 2007

Kinsella on Pickton

Here's why you don't ever want a Liberal government again... these guys can rationalise anything.
Robert Pickton cannot receive a fair trial anywhere in Canada. It is possible, in fact, that he can't receive a fair trial anywhere on the planet.
Ah... Warren... he had severed heads in his freezer.

Let's keep in mind here, Willie's only expression of regret so far, is that he didn't get to pencil in number 50 on his scorecard. It's also important to remember we're talking about murdered women... not golf strokes.

So Warren, what part of "psychopathic serial murderer" are you not feelin' here?

UPDATE: Kinsella sure knows how to pick 'em

If you were gonna set yourself up as a spokes-rocker for truth and justice... bearing in mind that nobody is disputing that dishonesty and injustice are legion in this wicked world... you might not want to kick it off by defending poor ole' farmboy "Willie" Pickton...
The most damaging witness is a woman named Lynn Ellingson, Staff Sgt. Adam says, who has told police she saw Mr. Pickton "skinning a girl hanging on a hook."

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