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13 January 2007

Iran is a ticking bomb

And it's not what you think...
-- A year ago, the International Monetary Fund said Iran had the highest rate of brain drain of 90 countries it measured. The figures have increased two-and-a-half times this year over the same period last year.

-- According to the IMF more than a 150,000 of the best young minds in Iran are leaving every year. And the cost to Iran of not stemming this brain drain - one government estimate put it at nearly $40bn a year.
So there's Madman Ahmadinejad, with his finger in the dike.

When this thing blows, it ain't gonna be pretty.

TIME MACHINE: Of course, the Madman may not be too worried about the immediate future...
It would just be too creepy & frightening to have the go-to guy for the Iranian nuclear bomb to be polling on "triggering World War III" as his intro to the world wide web.

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