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20 January 2007

If you're a boring horse's ass...

You can still be a legend in your own mind.

Just make shit up...

Worth the read, if only to see the Globe and Mail NOT fawn over Stephane Dion.
“We had a neighbour named Gaston Moisan, a biologist who was a deputy minister of natural resources. He set traps for the rabbits, to band them, and used to take me with him. He was 5-foot-7, but he was a giant for me.”

A charming childhood anecdote — except, according to Mr. Moisan, it never happened. “I don't know how he could have imagined that,” the retired bureaucrat and university professor says. “I had nothing to do with Stéphane.
Yeah, sure's okay, I believe ya.

If anyone thinks Dion is popular in Quebec, they're in for a big shock...
When he appeared on the Télé-Québec public affairs show Les Francs-tireurs last fall, interviewer Patrick Lagacé asked him to prove that he has a sense of humour.

Mr. Dion replied by asking whether he was familiar with the world's shortest bedtime story.

“Do you know Bam, The Dog?”

Mr. Lagacé admitted he did not, so Mr. Dion recited it for him: “The car goes by, and bam, the dog. Now go to sleep.

Mr. Lagacé was incredulous. “It's not funny,” he said as Mr. Dion laughed almost uncontrollably and, it turned out, viewers squirmed.
We're talkin' "invisible friend" scary over here.

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