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29 January 2007

Hoist by their own petard

Attack ads... you mean like "GUNS IN OUR STREETS?"

Nah, looks more like a gang of inept Liberal suicide bombers to me... or maybe Steffi, Iggy and Moe.

They said it... let them wear it.
One ad features Mr. Ignatieff criticizing Mr. Dion on the party's environmental record during a Liberal leadership debate. “We didn't get it done,” Mr. Ignatieff says. Ken Dryden, another former leadership rival, adds: “What stopped us? Why didn't we do better?”

The ad concludes by saying: “The Liberals had 13 years to get it down. Let's not go back.”
In the interest of fairness, let's hear from Steffi himself...
Another ad shows Mr. Dion lashing out at Mr. Ignatieff's criticism during a leadership debate, saying: “This is unfair ... do you think it's easy to make priorities?”

A voiceover says: “Leaders set priorities. Leaders get things done. Stéphane Dion is not a leader.”
Check out all three here.

As usual, AGWN has the goods
That was when the Liberals rolled out their attack ads, claiming Stephen Harper was going to put "soldiers in our streets". It was absurd, and it backfired.

The point is Telecaster, run by Jim Patterson, didn't censor them, even though they used images of Stephen Harper without his permission.

But when the Conservatives produced a response to those attack ads -- showing video clips of Liberal MPs admitting their own attack ads had gone too far -- Telecaster censored the ads. Telecaster ordered the Conservative ads off the air.

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