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08 January 2007

Hey Jack... negotiate this

Yessir... those brave and always noble Taliban freedom-fighters are back in action...
KABUL, Afghanistan, Jan. 7 — The Taliban appeared to be resuming their campaign of violence after a week of quiet over the Islamic festival of Id al-Adha.

Two newborn babies, their mother and a grandmother were killed in a roadside bombing in eastern Afghanistan as they were returning home from the hospital on Sunday...
Maybe Taliban Jack would like to explain exactly how he would begin negotiations with these savage, cold-blooded killers...
In a separate attack, gunmen on a motorcycle killed a high school headmaster in the southern province of Helmand as he was walking home from morning prayers at his local mosque, according to an Interior Ministry spokesman.
So Jack, why don't you talk it over with your life-partner and the other rabid leftbots... and then get back to us, ok?

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