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26 January 2007

Going to the front of the bus

The state of Michigan has adopted legislation banning affirmative action...

That momentarily threw a wrench into the "quota system" at Wayne State University, but university officials were quick to end run the new law.
Last month, the faculty adopted his policy, eliminating any mention of race, but broadening the factors the admissions office may consider.

Those include being the first in the family to go to college or graduate school; having overcome substantial obstacles, including prejudice and discrimination; being multilingual; and residence abroad, in Detroit or on an Indian reservation.
This sort of thing could become a higher profile issue in Canada, as spaces in colleges and universities become scarcer as enrollments climb.

Should gender or race be factors in admission to university?

What about proficiency... what about merit?

MEMORY LANE: Stop me if you've heard this before
It's like the old saw about gender equality in other occupations... if my house is on fire, I don't give a crap about the male/female thing... I just want the biggest, strongest, most stubborn S.O.B. goin' up that ladder to pull my kid out the window.
Similarly... if my kid is goin' in for surgery...

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