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24 January 2007

Deseronto developer speaks up

CALEDONIA UPDATE: Did Dalton cave for nothing?
Land claims made by the Six Nations Confederacy near Caledonia, Ont. will not hold up in court, the federal government has said.

A Department of Justice report presented to the Six Nations Confederacy earlier this week made the statement.

Is Dalton McGuinty gonna shell out another 35 million dollars on this native protest too?
A Kingston developer at the centre of a native land dispute pledged Tuesday to forge ahead with his $35-million development plans for this waterfront community.

"No one has got a dime (invested) in there but me," he said. "We've had lines of credit in place since Nov. 15 and now the government is dragging its feet...

"So who is the only one losing money in this deal? It's not the town of Deseronto - they flip-flop day-to-day. It's not the County of Hastings. It's not the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte. I'm taking the loss here.

"The Indians don't have a dime there, they're just coming after what we've got."
McGuinty has already set the precedent by purchasing the Douglas Creek Estates in Caledonia and essentially handing it over to the aboriginal protesters.

Why would this be any different?

UPDATE: Enough with the death threats already
A third Tyendinaga Territory man is facing criminal charges in connection to a Nov. 15 demonstration regarding a disputed land claim in Deseronto. Charged with two counts of uttering death threats and one count of mischief is Jerome Barnhart.

Earlier this month, two other men who were involved in the protest were arrested on charges including uttering death threats and assault.

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