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18 December 2006

Who gives a krap about Kurds?

The loony-left is too busy screaming about George Bush and Stephen Harper to waste any time on a little genocide...
Mr. Hussein and six co-defendants have pleaded innocent to charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity for their alleged roles in the 1987-88 military offensive against the Kurds, codenamed Operation Anfal.

The prosecution estimates that 180,000 Kurds were killed when Mr. Hussein's army waged a scorched-earth campaign against Kurdish separatist guerrillas, allegedly destroying hundreds of villages, and killing residents or forcing them to flee.
If anybody actually needs additional justification for taking down Saddam, might I suggest this could be it?

Nah... too much work, let's get back to vilifying that monstrous Stephen Harper.

UPDATE: ISG Report - Did they forget something?
Barzani is right to be suspicious of the ISG. Given how much more safe the Kurdish areas are than the Green Zone, one has to wonder why the ISG never bothered to meet with the Kurds of the region. An American failure puts the Kurds in a fatal squeeze between the Turks and the Shi'a and Sunni -- setting up yet another genocide.

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