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09 December 2006

Uphill battle in Afghanistan

This is not good news... the headline reads "Blow for Britain as Helmand's 'cleanest' governor is sacked".
President Karzai of Afghanistan has fired the Governor of Helmand province, a severe setback to Britain’s strategy in the lawless region at the heart of the Taleban resurgence.

British officials regarded Mr Daud as the cleanest governor in Afghanistan and hoped that his extensive experience in development would help to win over Helmand’s population.
It's been obvious from the start, that dealing with a country that's responsible for the production of most of the world's heroin would not be a walk in the park. One of the first steps was to assist the most legitimate of the various rogues who had a shot at taming this virtually lawless entity.

If Karzai is dirty, it changes everything.

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