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15 December 2006

Minister of Sunning Himself on a Rock

Dwight Duncan, whose appearance, attitude and accomplishments belie his official title of Minister of Energy, has reluctantly admitted he has been asleep at the switch...
TORONTO — Costs associated with operating Ontario's electricity agencies have soared more than 50 per cent since the old Ontario Hydro was dismantled in 1998, a Globe and Mail analysis has found.

Energy Minister Dwight Duncan conceded that government officials need to examine whether costs associated with overseeing the province's hydro systems can be reined in.
For anyone not making a cabinet minister's salary, with its built in living allowance and expense account, this is a significant burden.

Click below to email Dwight and his boss, Dalton McGuinty to let them know how happy you are at having to bear the brunt of this monstrous incompetence.

Dwight Duncan - Minister of Energy
Fax Number: 416-327-6754

Dalton McGuinty - Premier of Ontario
Fax Number: 416-325-3745

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