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11 December 2006

Libs say, "Screw Democracy, more Quotas"

Anybody asking Liberal riding associations how they feel about this...
New Liberal Leader Stephane Dion is pledging to hand-pick women to run in selected ridings across the country in an effort to fulfill a campaign promise.
What ever happened to selection based on ability or merit?

Don't the Liberals want the best qualified candidate... rather than simply basing selection on gender? I've gotta ask, "How many left-handed, lesbian, albino pipefitters are members of parliament? Is Stephane Dion gonna redress that discrepancy too?"

From the party of, "We'll choose for you."

SIDENOTE: Liberals "all about the women"

Issues for Canadian women... Judy Sgro touts "Pink Book"
Remember former Liberal Immigration Minister Judy Sgro? She's continuing her campaign for 'Women's Rights' from the Opposition ranks.

OTTAWA -- Immigration Minister Judy Sgro is defending the government's policy of admitting foreign exotic dancers to work in Canada, saying the strip club business is "a strong industry" with "lots of customers."

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