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17 December 2006

Jesus Christ... don't say the "C" word

Much like Jack "Home for the unspecified and totally insignificant holiday" Layton, a good Liberal never uses the "C" word...
Last year, during the Christmas election campaign then-prime minister Paul Martin bought a wreath. Asked by a reporter if he was buying a holiday wreath or a Christmas wreath, Martin laughed and said: "It's a $240 wreath."
It's this sort of evasion and hypocrisy that allows a man who has described himself as a devout Catholic, to champion homosexual marriage.

Most people overlook the fact that the "value system" that so many people are so quick to ridicule or deny, is the very reason Canada is such a tolerant nation. In a Muslim country for example, Mr. Martin's jubilant homosexual cotillion would be, well, how can I put this delicately... murdered.

As Licia Corbella points out...
The great irony in all of these examples is the very reason we are such a tolerant and free society is because our society is based on the Judeo-Christian ethic. It's why people of all faiths and races risk and sacrifice so much to move here.

With the exception of Japan and Israel, the only free countries in the world are all founded on Christianity.

Chip away at that foundation and what are you left with?

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