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20 December 2006

Jack and Gilles should take a pill

UPDATE: Nobody here is talkin' about turning tail...
Members of Charlie Company Combat Team, consisting of two troops of Canadian Leopard tanks, a company of light armoured vehicles, three platoons of infantry, a company of Afghan National Army soldiers, as well as artillery and support - left the forward operating base near the village Bazar-e-Panjwaii early Wednesday.

"We've been like caged leopards, I guess, waiting to get out on the prowl," said Cpl. Steve Hamel, 28, of Canal Flats, B.C. sitting in a long line of armoured vehicles.

They're making a list...
and checking it twice...
gonna find out who's...
naughty or nice...

Like Prime Minister Stephen Harper and apparently, a sizeable chunk of my fellow Canadians, I believe we are doing a good thing in Afghanistan and that if we abandon the mission, it will be an indelible stain on the fabric of history.

There are faint-hearted folk who strenuously disagree with this opinion. I would say to those individuals, "Just thank your lucky stars you live in a country that values democracy and individual freedoms... and not a country like Afghanistan."

"Because, over there, under the Taliban, with your big, flappin' lefty pieholes... you'd be hanging from a streetlamp before sundown."

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