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02 December 2006

It's quiet and I got to thinking

Stephane Dion is the third Liberal party leader in a row from Quebec. There is, however chilling the thought, the possibility that he could become the next Prime Minister of Canada.

Just for laughs, lets suppose that this comes to pass. Let's further suppose that Quebec has another vote on sovereignty, and wins.

I just wanna know...

Would Prime Minister Dion suddenly be a man from a foreign country? I know the president of the United States has to be native born... do we care about that here?

Would Prime Minister Dion suddenly need a visa to visit the country of his birth? What if the sovereign nation of Quebecer chose not to let him back in?

Better yet, can we now strip-search Jean Chretien at any Canadian border crossing... even if only just to see the look on his face?

The mind boggles.

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