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07 December 2006

"It's disagraceful. . . It's dishonourable."

Bill Graham is famous for talking through his ass... pun not initially intended, but hey...
Graham accused the Tories of habitually lying during question period about the track record of the former Liberal government.

He referred specifically to the Tories' oft-repeated assertion that the Liberals did nothing while Maher Arar was being tortured in a Syrian prison.
Don't be a Silly Billy... the facts on that one are pretty clear.
After spending nearly a year in jail, Mr. Arar was finally freed by the Syrians.

By July 2003, Chrétien's office sent a letter to Syria demanding Arar's release. But that was 10 months after his arrest and 3 1/2 months after officials first proposed a letter. That was a long delay for a man facing torture.
So Bill, who went totally apeshit over the Belinda 'Doggy' affair, thinks it's ok to toss in a reference to Josef Goebbels, elevating this particular discourse to a new level of asininity.

My advice is, if you're looking for a lesson in honesty, or ethical behaviour... you might wanna try looking a little further than Bill Graham.

UPDATE: Make up your mind Bill...

Are Conservatives just like Nazis, or are they shameless defenders of Zionist War Crimes?

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