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08 December 2006

Harper's like the Black Death

An unnamed Liberal spokesperson, today compared Stephen Harper to the Bubonic Plague, which swept through the medieval world killing millions of people...

"What the frig is this guy up to?" cried the shadowy figure, who insisted on anonymity. "If this Angel of Death keeps on actually doing stuff, we'll never get back in."

"This is not how the game is supposed to be played," he sulked... in reference to the Conservative governments latest plan to "eliminate use of a number of particularly toxic chemicals and place tight controls over others."
OTTAWA — Prime Minister Stephen Harper has announced a new plan to curb the use of toxic chemicals in Canada.

“It includes realistic and enforceable measures that will improve the environment and protect the health and safety of Canadians,” Mr. Harper said, with Environment Minister Rona Ambrose and Health Minister Tony Clement at his side.

"The government has earmarked $300-million for the initiative over the next four years.
As he walked away, the dejected Lib spokesman was heard to mutter, "Goddamit, we spent decades building up relationships with the chemical conglomerates and this idiot Harper pisses it all away in an afternoon."

Unfortunately Conservative spokespersons could not be reached for a rebuttal, as they were all too busy actually doing stuff to improve Canadians lives... to speak to parasitic representatives of the major media outlets.

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