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21 December 2006


Ontario Attorney-General Michael Bryant has a typically Liberal approach to the ongoing "Courthouse Christmas Tree" flap...
Bryant said he spoke to Ontario Chief Justice Brian Lennox yesterday about whether a Christmas tree placement policy is needed for the 165-plus courthouses in the province of Ontario. "And we agreed that once the season is finished we will sit down in January to have this discussion," Bryant said.
So Bryant is gonna piss away valuable time that the overburdened Chief Justice could be spending on, say... oh, I don't know... the administration of justice?   Are we gonna see a "Status of Holiday Ornamentation Council" open up at Queen's Park? Mr Tory, is the defense ready to present its case?
Conservative Leader John Tory said Bryant appears intent on dragging this matter out when he could resolve it in short order. "All he needs to say to people who are on an orgy of political correctness, 'Get over it, we celebrate all the holidays here...'"
Now, if perennial butt-licker Michael Bryant could just get back to work...