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12 December 2006

7 Glocks, 6 Tasers and 2 Berettas

Here's an item that jumped out at me...insert alt text here
No, that's not a parody of the Twelve Days of Christmas. It's a list of Kanesatake Mohawk Police weapons that have disappeared.
Holy crap... that's more than a little disturbing. The aboriginal community must be screaming for answers.

Nope... better just to blame it on Stephen Harper.
Last night, Kanesatake councillors issued a statement calling the audit "nothing more than an unfair and biased exercise. Its 'flawed analysis' was drafted to please Grand Chief Steve Bonspille and the people that took 67 aboriginal police officers hostage," they said.
Whoa... I guess if you live in a community where the whole police force can be trussed up like a Christmas turkey, a bunch of missing handguns probably is the least of your worries.

UPDATE: Even the commie-pinko CBC is shockedinsert alt text here
"The former federal Liberal government broke its own rules by doling out millions of tax dollars to a special police force in a small Mohawk community near Montreal, according to an audit obtained by CBC News."