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11 November 2006

Third Liberal appointee turfed at IRB

I don't know what I find more disturbing... the lying, cheating and stealing... or the lecherous behaviour.

First there was Yves Bourbonnais and Steve Ellis.

Now here's a third allegation of sexual misconduct, by yet another Liberal appointee.
Lloyd Fournier was escorted from the tribunal's Toronto premises in September and told he could no longer adjudicate asylum claims following an alleged incident of sexual harassment of a Spanish interpreter, The Globe and Mail has learned.

Mr. Fournier, appointed to the board in June of 2001 by then-immigration minister Elinor Caplan...

According to reports, he was a onetime vice-president of the Brampton Liberal Association who also sought the party's federal nomination in his riding.
How will the Liberal Party escape the stench of corruption when their patronage appointments keep turning out like this?

Of course, it's less surprising as time goes on. It's what we've come to expect from the party that won't even wipe the Volpe off it's shoes.


SIDENOTE: Rocco Galati is the lawyer acting for Mr. Fournier.
Now where have I heard that name before?

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