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10 November 2006

There's just one problem

It's called the Senate.

So, the Conservatives put together a bill that directly addresses the failure of the government to be accountable to the citizenry... and what happens?

The Liberal dominated Senate has 150 things it doesn't like about the Federal Accountability Act.

That's right... 150 amendments, at least one of which coincidentally, puts more taxpayer money in the Liberal Party's apparently bottomless pockets.
The Liberals approved amendments that increase the maximum political donation from the proposed $1,000 cap by the government to $2,000. The Conservatives have accused the Grits of holding up the bill to maintain the current $5,400 limit for their upcoming political convention.

As well, the Liberal senators have rejected the government’s wish to create one ethics commissioner for both houses rather than continuing to have a separate one for the red chamber.
These unelected windbags from the Retirement Home for Political Hacks & Bagmen have more nerve than Dick Tracy.
The Liberal senator said the legislation reflects the new government’s current culture of distrust that revolves around “naming, blaming and shaming.”
Good grief... let's get rid of these grifters.

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