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14 November 2006

Religion of Rest in Pieces

How screwed up is Iraq?
POLICE around the Iraqi capital found 46 bullet-riddled corpses, many of them tortured, of men shot to death in apparent sectarian attacks, a security source said.
And that's not even the big news story today.

It's kind of telling when even the Prime Minister apparently chooses sectarian warfare over democratic rule.

It now appears that the mass kidnapping of a hundred or so employees from a scientific research institute was orchestrated by interior ministry militiamen... in other words, the police.
The raid on a higher education ministry building in a normally peaceful area of the capital came as Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki faced growing criticism from his US backers for not doing more to rein in Shiite militias with alleged links to the security forces.
This sad excuse for a leader, Nuri al-Maliki must feel as though he is untouchable... he makes no secret of his sympathies.
Mr Maliki has previously ordered US commanders to rein in planned operations against Shiite militia strongholds, including a proposed assault on Sadr City, Baghdad's most populous Shiite neighbourhood, where militiamen were believed to be holding an abducted US soldier.
What it boils down to is that these guys are so pissed off with the Sunni version of Islam, they're determined to send them all on to Allah forthwith. And if they're willing to squash other Muslims like ants at a picnic, what are they gonna do to infidels like you... and me.

My question is... where have they got all the sane people hidden away?

UPDATE: Oh, oh... the O.J. Defense again, not a great sign
"What happened was not terrorism, rather it was due to dispute and conflict between militias from one side or another," Maliki said in televised remarks. He later said the government's response had been strong and vowed to catch those responsible.

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