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06 November 2006

McGuinty owes Ontarians

Dalton McGuinty's latest bombshell is that the Ontario provincial government shouldn't be involved in negotiating aboriginal land-claims in Caledonia after all.
"But I think what's pretty clear here is that if you strip away everything else, fundamentally what we have at Caledonia is a dispute between the Six Nations community and the federal government."
Whoa... if that's really the case, let's stop the Lib-brokered gravy train right here. We're talkin' way more than a day late and a dollar short. This embarrassment has dragged on for almost a year and cost Ontario taxpayers an estimated 50 million dollars.

On top of that, McGuinty has burned up any federal-provincial goodwill that may have existed before he started screamin', "That's not my problem".
"It's becoming very clear that Premier McGuinty's squabbling and bickering with Ottawa has paralyzed the work of the Ontario government, to the detriment of ordinary Ontarians," NDP Leader Howard Hampton said in the legislature.

Conservative Leader John Tory also criticized McGuinty for straining relations with the feds.

"The way in which Premier Dalton McGuinty has been handling the relationship between Ontario and Ottawa is counterproductive, has not produced the positive results we need, has not advanced Ontario's position, and is inconsistent with the role played by most past Ontario premiers," Tory told the Urban Land Institute in Toronto.
I have just one question. If Dalton McGuinty really believes this falls under federal jurisdiction, then why has he pissed away tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to purchase the land in question and negotiate with the Six Nations?

It just doesn't scan.

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