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01 November 2006

It's clobberin' time

UPDATE: Maybe the sky isn't falling

So we go from, "Stand back, I'm bringin' down the government....
"I had to tell him I didn't think that talk was really going to be the way forward here. What we needed to see was action.”
to... what's that Jack... talking again?"
Prime Minister Stephen Harper has agreed to an NDP demand to put his Clean Air Act before a Commons committee, where the opposition will try to change it radically.
So Jack, maybe it wasn't really the "time for action..." after all. Better luck next time.


You may have noticed that I am puzzled by the erratic and contrary actions of the NDP in general and the behaviour of Taliban Jack Layton in particular.

This latest edict however, sends crackpot demagoguery to a whole new level.

Taking a break from undermining our troops in Afghanistan, Taliban Jack has now vowed to bring down the minority Conservative government.
He said he would introduce a confidence vote in the House of Commons on Thursday if the Prime Minister didn't agree to essentially send his Clean Air Act to a parliamentary committee, where the opposition parties could have some input on it.
So what Jack is saying is he'll bring down the government if they don't fall in line.

Where I come from that's called 'blackmail'.
“He's (Prime Minister Harper) offered to talk with me further over an extended period of time, but I had to tell him I didn't think that talk was really going to be the way forward here. What we needed to see was action.”
Wait a minute. Wasn't it Taliban Jack who was upset recently that the Conservatives weren't willing to put the Afghanistan issue up for weeks of debate in the House of Commons?

Yup, I wrote about it here...
"Well, the Dippers are apparently insane with rage that there was a mere 6 hours of debate in Parliament before it voted to extend the military mission in Afghanistan."
So there's a time for debate... and then there's a time for action.

And Jack Layton is the only person qualified to say which is which?

LAST WORD: Here's my theory...

I'm guessing the NDP has been polling frantically and the question goes something like this... "In the absence of a Liberal Party Leader, would you, this one time, pretty please, consider throwing your vote to the NDP?"

The environment has been a pretty hot stick in the media lately and now ole' 'Riverboat Jack' is gonna roll them dice. Of course maybe he should be looking at more than one poll.

The real question... swept up by Darcey at The Broom

Geez Jack, you sure you wanna die on this particular hill?

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