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20 November 2006

If a Blogger falls in the forest...

We are all, to some extent, convinced of our significance in the larger world. Call it ego, or arrogance or whatever... it's a very human failing.

Thus I feel compelled to explain my absence of the last four days, all the while knowing that it makes not a whit of difference to anyone out there in 'the real world'.

Anyway, after experiencing a totally unexpected harddrive meltdown, I have been dealing with recovering and rebuilding my 'virtual world' on a new 250 gb drive. The only happy part of the story is that I have a dvd-burner which has yet again saved my sorry ass from complete oblivion.

For the handful of stalwarts who visit me here on a regular basis, I am reporting that I shall return as a regular contributor starting tomorrow or shortly thereafter.

In arboreal solitude & silence, I rise once again from the digital ashes...
