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02 November 2006

The Farmer Bob Rifle Registry

The saga continues. Remember how this boondoggle was only going to cost the taxpayer 2 million dollars?

That was what the Liberals told Canadians.

As the actual cost approaches 2 BILLION dollars, we are learning more about Lib perfidy and denial. And it's confirmed that Landslide Annie McLellan was hip deep in the muck.
McLellan censured over gun registry

MPs say ex-minister didn't disclose huge cost overruns to Parliament

A parliamentary committee blamed former Liberal public safety minister Anne McLellan for not informing Parliament about the true cost of the firearms centre and blasted the senior bureaucrats who came up with the accounting scheme to hide those costs.

"Evidence suggests that the minister knew, and she did nothing to ensure Parliament was fully informed and for that she must accept responsibility," concluded a majority report by the public accounts committee tabled this week.
This isn't the Harper Conservatives making political hay, this is the Auditor-General Of Canada.
In her report, Ms Fraser said it was difficult to piece together how the decision was made because of scant records and personal notes on key meetings.

She concluded the firearms centre "misinformed" Parliament about the costs racked up to develop a computer system for the registry -- $39 million in 2002-03 and $22 million in 2003-04. She took particular issue with the accounting treatment of the $22 million not recorded in the books as the rules required.
I remember the Liberals getting up on their high horse trying to defend this useless pile of manure. "If it only saves one life", they cried, "It will be worth every penny."

Note that there are about 600 homicides yearly in Canada and a good portion of those don't involve guns.

Now, if the Liberals were really concerned about saving lives, they could have put that 2 Billion dollars into something that would actually bear fruit.
By year's end, an estimated 20,000 Canadians will have been diagnosed with colorectal cancer. About 8,500 will die of the disease in 2006, making it the second most deadly cancer after lung cancer.
Do you know anybody with cancer? I bet you do.

The Liberal Party of Canada... caught lying, cheating and stealing yet again.

UPDATE: 2 Billion Dollars - Dr. Roy has some thoughts
Send $100 million to 10 Canadian Universities for libraries and research. With the remaining money, buy 20 MRI's, 10 advanced CAT scanners and 10 PET Scanners for each province. These machines help find malignancies and would shorten wait times significantly.

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