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29 November 2006

Dope & Sodomy

Hey... we're gonna have a party.

A very Liberal Party apparently.
Lowering the age of consent for anal sex between teens and legalizing marijuana may be good ideas, but not high priorities, delegates indicated Wednesday at the opening of the Liberal convention.
Well, that pretty much locks up the homosexual, adolescent party animal vote... for the 2011 elections anyway.

File this one under, "Things that won't be on Stephen Harper's agenda anytime soon."


LIB LEADER UPDATE: Tote that bale... sling that mud
A more direct “Stop Iggy” leaflet was also in circulation, reminding delegates of Ignatieff’s campaign gaffes and his previous support for the Iraq war and aggressive counter-terrorism tactics, such as coercive interrogation and targeted assassination.

In a bit of tit-for-tat, the Ignatieff team held a party for journalists at which they handed out, among other things, copies of a 1994 book entitled “Rae Days, The Rise and Follies of the NDP.” The back cover touts the book as a `damning account” of Rae’s single term as Ontario premier in the 1990s.

UPDATE: 30 Nov 2006 - But we're all still good on that "teenage boy anal sex thing"... right guys?
Meanwhile, the workshops where Liberals were meant to hammer out 135 or so policy resolutions were all but deserted. The 18 resolutions before the international affairs workshop were summarily dealt with in 30 minutes, with minimal debate. Along the corridor in the social justice workshop, delegates voted to lower the age of consent for anal sex and legalize marijuana.

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