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15 November 2006

And while we're on China...

If the Liberals could spare a little time from their "Let's Crucify Rona Ambrose" campaign, perhaps they'd like to cast a critical eco-eye a little further eastward.

Yes, it's the same poor country they've been casting, all day long, as having been unnecessarily snubbed by Prime Minister Harper.

Not only does China have an appalling human rights record, it is killing nearly half a million of its own citizens every year with its flagrant disregard for, wait for it... the environment.
Indeed, Beijing is the world's worst city for air pollution. Sixteen of the world's 20 most-polluted cities are in China, according to the World Bank.

Satellite data from the European Space Agency reveals that Beijing and nearby northeastern provinces have the highest levels of nitrogen dioxide, causing respiratory problems and about 400,000 premature deaths per year.

Pollutants in China's sky have increased by 50 per cent in the past decade. Heavy industry, power plants and escalating numbers of car owners are to blame.
This is just one of many life & death criticisms a reasonable person could level at the Chinese government. Perhaps the Libs should take their collective heads out of their asses and bitch about something other than alleged name calling and hurt feelings... of anyone, or any country.

UPDATE: I'm begging. Please.

No more Liberal Eco-babble this week.
What would happen if all Canadians just disappeared and therefore all that hated machinery and technology that makes survival through a Canadian winter possible, just sat idle? No cars driving around, no need to heat homes or turn on lights. No more plants and factories. What would the effect on the global climate be?

Absolutely nothing at all

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