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05 October 2006

Why safe injection sites are a bad idea

Safe injection sites would be a great idea, except for one small detail.


In this case, and I've read of numberless others, it involves the oral version of a safe injection site. And it has lethal consequences.
Months after an infant girl died from drinking methadone, her parents are set to enter a legal battle over how she could have accessed the drug.
This genius scored some methadone and brought it home and it killed his daughter. He then tried to say the baby must have died from SIDS.

Let's all say this together, v-e-r-y * s-l-o-w-l-y... you cannot, ever, under any circumstances, without exception, trust a drug addict... when it comes to drugs. They will lie, cheat, steal and yes, even kill... just to get high.

I've just got one question. Why is this junkie asshole, who killed an innocent baby, not in jail?


if you're a Canadian taxpayer.
Three Vancouver heroin addicts have started getting their fix for free -- as the first participants in a government-sponsored study on the effects of controlling junkies' supply.

As participants in the new North American Opiate Medication Initiative, the three got their first taxpayer-funded fix on Monday.

The study is trying to determine if addicts who are given a fix will be able to put the time they would have spent finding the drugs to better use.

For the next two years, the recipients will report to a heavily secured safe injection site in Vancouver's downtown Eastside three times a day, seven days a week. Once there, they will be given their physician-approved fix and allowed to inject themselves under the supervision of a nurse.
The next time you're stuck waiting in a hospital emergency room for hours, imagine what they could do with extra nurses and all the money that gets pissed away at these places that facilitate addiction. And remember little Summer Hope.

CLICK HERE to do a Google Search on the terms "methadone" & "accidental death". I got 25,100 hits. Each day that passes will increase that number.

UPDATE: In approximately 15 hours, it's up to 26,600 hits.

SIDENOTE: Cruisin' for a bruisin'
Since 2000, at least five provincial government studies, in addition to a federal Senate report, have concluded that public health spending is unsustainable at current growth rates.

The most recent and urgent warning has come from B.C. Finance Minister Carole Taylor whose analysts estimated that public health spending could consume 71 per cent of the provincial budget by 2017.

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