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12 October 2006

That scary Stephen Harper

It's true, Stephen Harper should scare you stupid... if you're a violent, unrepentant thug.
Repeat violent and sexual offenders will have to prove they are not dangers to society to avoid an indefinite sentence under legislation the Harper government plans to table in Parliament next week.
Finally, we have a leader who is prepared to say, enough is enough, the criminals should really pay for their crimes.
Under the Conservatives' proposal, that onus would be reversed so that violent and sexual offenders convicted of a third offence would have to prove why they should not receive an indefinite sentence with a minimum of seven years in prison before being eligible for parole.
It's long past time for this legislation. Thank you Mr. Prime Minister.

Over at Moonbat Central,
the gibbering continues...
Likewise, on mandatory minimum sentences, the party also wants to avoid attention after Layton and his wife Olivia Chow improvised policy without consultation during the last election, in a panicked response to Toronto's Boxing Day shootings.

Bujaczek says the youth caucus has opposed mandatory minimums because they aren't going to reduce crime, but are going to be used to target and punish marginalized communities, particularly young Aboriginal men and men of colour.
Yup, I can see why the libs & dippers are all aflutter... we live in a police state. I'll tell you a secret... that's really why I left Toronto. To get away from the police "death squads".


READ THE PRESS RELEASE... to get more lucid, rational details
"Our justice system generously gives second and third chances,” the Prime Minister added. “But at some point, governments must draw the line and this bill will do just that.”
UPDATE: 16 Oct 2006 - Poll at Toronto Sun
Is the prime minister's 'three-strikes' proposal for repeat violent offenders a good idea?
I have watched the poll go from 3000 to 4422 votes and it's stayed at 89% yes and 11% no... all that time.

We have a winner.

UPDATE: 17 Oct 2006 - Liberals, as usual, get sucky
Liberal justice critic Sue Barnes raised concerns that the proposed changes could cause a backlog within the penal system and face a valid constitutional challenge.
LAST WORD: Reverse onus laws abound
The reverse burden of proof is built into laws on tax evasion, some bail violations, attempts to plead insanity and the sex-offender registry.

"In one form or another, it's all over the place," said Doug Hoover, a Justice Department official who helped draft the new law.

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