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07 October 2006

Psycho City

Speaking of homegrown terrorism. It's not all political.

Here's a part of the reason I left Toronto and will never go back.
Two teens accused of setting a 13 year old girl alight and causing second-degree burns to her breasts were released on $5,000 bail yesterday.

The two 15 year olds, who cannot be identified under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, will be required to comply with release conditions. These include no possession of weapons (notably incendiary substances like lighter fluids), no contact with the victim, a 9 p.m.-6 a.m. curfew, and counselling sessions.
So what's really crazier here... the two junior sociopaths who tortured and maimed a 13 year old girl, or the toothless Justice System that sets them free to do it again? I'd call this one a photo finish.

And these guys had plans, make no mistake about it.
Police also seized a video camera which had allegedly been used earlier in the day when the teen boys set their own pant legs on fire.
Tightening up this juvenile get-out-of-jail-free card is one the things the Conservatives are proposing. Or maybe, you could just hire a bodyguard for your 13 year old daughter.

UPDATE: 8 Oct 2006
- It's clobberin' time
A 16-year-old Mississauga boy suffered a punctured liver and lung after he was repeatedly stabbed in a swarming attack early yesterday.

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