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16 October 2006

A new Sheriff in town

As expected, newly appointed OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino got right to it.

He said his first priority is to repair damaged morale the officers suffered under former honcho Gwen "Screw it, I'm Bailing" Boniface.

Fantino is the former Chief of the Toronto Police Force and he's had his run ins with the politically correct rope-a-dopers. Next on his list was the mess the Liberals have created in Caledonia.
"We certainly are very respectful of rights and entitlements of people but we also, I think, have to be very mindful and respectful that there is a rule of law, that anarchy can't prevail, and will do our utmost best to ensure that peace and tranquility prevail," Fantino said during a teleconference yesterday.
If Stephen Harper has any sense at all, he'll scoop this guy up after his contract expires and have him run federally.

Justice Minister Julian Fantino... that sounds good to me.

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