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03 October 2006

More Liberal patronage blowback

Call me wacky, but if you're handing out rewards to political hacks, maybe a sexual predator shouldn't be on your A-list.
A member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada has been suspended after a woman accused him of trying to trade sex for a favourable ruling.

The chairman of the board issued a statement yesterday citing "very serious" allegations of misconduct against former Toronto councillor and patronage appointee Steve Ellis.

Mr. Ellis was appointed to the IRB in 2000 by the federal Liberal government.
UPDATE: 9 Oct 2006 - Another Liberal appointee, IRB judge Yves Bourbonnais, appointed to the IRB in 1996 is serving a six year jail term for similar criminal conduct.
MONTREAL — The federal Immigration and Refugee Board has identified nearly two dozen suspect cases handled by a Quebec adjudicator who has admitted to being on the take, according to internal department documents.
I wonder... is this where Joe Volpe will be put out to pasture if he gets hammered in the next election.

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