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19 October 2006

Dalton caught with drawers down yet again

Are these guys just stupid, or is the sense of entitlement just that ingrained in Liberal brains?
OK, one more time. Slowly and clearly so every Liberal understands. Tax money is not the private piggy bank for Liberals and their supporters.

Steve Janke has the details.

UPDATE: News starting to spread
The names of at least four staff members who work in Premier Dalton McGuinty's office or for Ontario cabinet ministers were listed as returning officers for the Liberal leadership contest.

The list was quickly removed from the Internet, but not before it was spotted by staffers in the office of the provincial Conservatives.

Opposition Leader John Tory said the workers should not list government e-mail addresses and government phone numbers as contacts for blatantly partisan work for the Liberal party, and dismissed claims the leadership work was all done after business hours or on weekends.
LAST WORD: 21 Oct 2006 - More Weasel Words
McGuinty said he wants to be paid back for the $20-million purchase cost of the disputed land, the $1.5-million compensation package provided to local businesses and extraordinary OPP costs.

Some observers estimate the cost of the Caledonia crisis at $100 million and counting.

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