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10 September 2006

Yeah, no surprise here.

Last year, the federal Liberal party apparently commissioned a report by a panel of ethicists. I know we're talking Augean Stables here, but really, what choice did they have?
"The Liberal party must bring order to its own affairs if it wants the public to one day confer another mandate to govern," concluded the panel which included Michael Bloomfield, a Victoria-based biologist and ethicist, and Penny Collenette, spouse of former Liberal minister David Collenette.
Lots of pretty words there, there's just one problem.
Steven MacKinnon, national director of the Liberal Party of Canada, said Sunday that the party has been working on a code of ethics since last year, although it won't apply to MPs or senators.
Oh well, it's nice to know that... at least we can trust the chauffeurs and the guys in the mailroom.

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