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28 September 2006

What's next, catering & laundry service?

Apparently, the only thing Dalton McGuinty isn't doing, for the protestors in Caledonia... is tucking them in at night and singing lullabies.
The Liberal government is being accused of being weak by paying for hydro and water into the Caledonia housing site occupied by natives.

The charge was levelled yesterday in the Ontario legislature by Conservative MPP Bob Runciman after Aboriginal Affairs Minister David Ramsay confirmed it has been footing the power bill for about 10 half-built homes on Douglas Creek Estates since the province bought the site off the developers for $16.5 million.

"It is my understanding the power is still on," Ramsay said during Question Period.

The minister also noted the power was kept on into the houses after natives took over the site at the end of February.
This is nuts.

Never mind John Tory and the Conservatives... I'm thinking Sharon, Lois & Bram would put up a tougher & more principled stand here.

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