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20 September 2006

Take me out to the...

... penitentiary.
OTTAWA -- The federal government is preparing three-strikes-you’re-out legislation that would make it easier to label criminals as dangerous offenders after a third serious conviction.
I can't wait for the howls of outrage from the Libs & the Dippers. This is why I vote Conservative.
The bill — part of the Conservative anti-crime package — will be tabled this fall, says Justice Minister Vic Toews. He says that after three convictions for violent crimes, people would have to prove to a judge why they’re not dangerous — which is a reversal of the traditional innocent-until-proven-guilty principle.

Toews says criminals should be presumed guilty — not innocent — after three such convictions.
Anyone who has committed THREE VIOLENT CRIMES is a menace to society. I have no problem with tax dollars being used to make the country a safer place.

And for all you fans of Taliban Jack, don't gimme some tear jerker about root causes.

The first duty of a civil society is not to pander to predators & sociopaths... it is to protect law abiding citizens.

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