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22 September 2006

Suddenly McGuinty's in control?

TORONTO -- Six Nations protesters are calling on the province to stop a rally they say could spark a “volatile situation” on the former housing development aboriginals have occupied in Caledonia, Ont., since February.
Sure, maybe David Peterson can work some of that old black magic that, well... accomplished bupkis. That underwhelming result was due no doubt, in no small part, to Mr. Petersons reputation for fairness and impartiality.
David Peterson, who the province appointed to begin negotiations in the dispute, said he doubts anyone will take the rally seriously. “There are a lot of wackos in society,” he said. “It’s important not to give them too much credibility.”
Meanwhile, back at the disputed land, cultural dissonance is the undisputed king. Apparently white society's concept of irony has no aboriginal equivalent.
Hazel Hill, spokesperson for the aboriginal occupiers, said the governing Liberals need to step in and stop the rally before it creates a “volatile situation.”

“They have to deal with it,” she said. “This isn’t public land . . . It’s not optional to have rallies.”
Oh Hazel... stop please, yer killin' me.

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