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08 September 2006

Screeching & wailing sells ad space

The mainstream media is making mountains out of molehills again, portraying NATO's top commander as begging for more resources to shore up NATO troops.

In actual fact, it's nothing of the sort. Here's what General James Jones actually said,
"It will help us to reduce casualties and bring this to a successful conclusion in a short period of time," he said. "This is not a desperate move, it is more of an insurance package."
So what is really happening in Afghanistan right now?
Associated Press — NATO troops killed more than 20 Taliban in clashes Friday with NATO forces in southern Afghanistan, a spokesman for the alliance said.

Lt.-Col. Nick Grant-Thorold said 20 to 30 insurgents were killed in Kandahar province's Panjwaii district during an anti-Taliban operation called Operation Medusa.

The latest deaths raise NATO's estimate of the total number of insurgents killed to least 290 since the Canadian-led operation began Sept. 2.
The sad truth is that panic and doom & gloom sells more advertising space than good news. It's just too bad that people like "Taliban Jack" Layton are willing to use this obfuscation to try to further their agenda.

The Libs and Dippers won't like this, (flagged by Not Dead Yet) but let's hear from an actual soldier.
A lot of people in Canada think that we should not be here in Afghanistan, but those people don't see the remarkable changes happening here. One interpreter told me, "Because Canada is here, our people are happy again."

So to all those Canadians who continue to harp about what they don't know — here's your straw, suck it up.

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