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12 September 2006

The Path to 9/11

Saw Part II tonight.

On the whole, I thought the film was very well done. My wife pointed out that there were many places where the makers could have easily banged out more drama (passengers on United Flight 93 rushing the cockpit, for instance) purely for it's own sake, but she thought they stayed fairly matter of fact. I had to concur.

These guys feel a little more strongly.
The Path to 9/11, although it remained largely intact, was edited for the worst of all possible reasons: as a CYA, to protect the worthless hide of a long-gone politician to whom some people in Hollywood retain a bizarre, vestigial allegiance.
Clinton's not the only one who gets a rough ride. This will piss off more than a few people in positions of authority who dropped the ball on Bin-Laden.

Any takers out there?

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