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21 September 2006

Ooooh, I guess you've got me there, fella.

Mr Anonymous is back.

Now I know most people just say ignore the trolls, but this one is trying so hard. It's kind of fun seeing him take those first few baby steps, confusing childish name calling & sweeping generalisations with rational discourse... what we in the adult world sometimes call Myblahg 101.

Here, I just have to share his latest zinger...
I have a problem debating with right wingers more so then debating with left wingers. Left wingers actually are intelligent, they're just mis-guided. Right wingers are actually not that well educated and lack Honest Moral Values.
OH SCORCH, buddy, did you show me! I have just a couple of suggestions for your next screaming flamer.

Call me a stickler, but you might try spelling misguided without the hyphen. And I'm guessing the only people who would capitalise "Honest Moral Values" would be Jim and Tammy Bakker & friends.

Actually, on second thought, even perfect spelling and grammar ain't gonna put a shine on this jalopy, but hey... c'mon back and try again. Unlike most of the lefty blogs I've seen, I don't preview or censor comments. It's a free country and you get to say whatever you feel.

SIDENOTE: Mr A argues (above) that all left wingers are eggheads. If you go this infamous moonbat site, he has a liitle trouble spelling too. Maybe he'll be able to fix it after Mr Anonymous tips him to it, but the last time I checked, "withdrawel" was actually spelled withdrawal. I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and say it was a typo, but he spells it wrong both times he uses it.

Say, are you guys related? Robert... are you being a naughty boy?

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