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10 September 2006

Jacking up the troops

Is it just me, or does it seem like, the more the Dippers call for Canadian troops to cut and run, the more they rise to the occasion?
The 94 militants were killed in Kandahar province's Panjwai and neighbouring Zhari districts late Saturday and early Sunday, and were separate to more than 40 Taliban who died in fighting in the same areas earlier Saturday, NATO spokesman Maj. Scott Lundy said.

The killings were part of a NATO-led operation called Operation Medusa, which began Sept. 2 and has killed at least 420 insurgents, according to the alliance. Purported Taliban spokesmen have disputed the high death counts.
With this latest Canadian led rout, all the screeching and wailing from the NDP becomes a little more surreal. "Support out troops", cries Taliban Jack, "By bringing them home."

Our guys are cutting through through the Taliban like a hot knife through hummus... so what's with all the hysterics?

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